Karen: The Musical???

For all the Will & Grace fans out there, I have just recently heard that Karen: The Musical could reach Broadway sometime in 2010. Megan Mullally, who played Karen Walker on the NBC show, said that the show is in the works. I'm kinda excited. I hope that Jack and Rosario make cameos. Better yet, I hope Jack can finally have a big production of his one man show, Just Jack.

Just Jai, Outtie 5000

My Conspiracy Theory

We live in a world where hidden racism lurks all around us. I just thought it was my duty to point out something that has been urking me for years. I feel it is one of the great conspiracies the man has cleverly disguised that has gone under the radar and no one questions.........................................................

What the hell is up with things that come in nude???? Nude pantyhose, nude shoes, nude colored everything. Whose nude is it? It's for sure not my color when I'm naked. Why doesn't nude come in my color? Why doesn't nude come in Latina, Indian, Asian? Huh? Think about it. That is all.

Random Ish.......

This is Brandon Hammond. You may not recognize him now, but in 1996, you would've known him as Ahmad from the movie Soulfood. Not bad..................

So.... Porn has gone to a whole new level. Check out the latest blockbuster (above) lmfao hehehehehehehe

Open Letter To Tiger Woods...

Dear Tiger,

        I know you may have thought you were Cablinasian before, but after this scandal...you's a nigga! I'm sorry I had to say it. I knew you were a shady mutha**** before but DAMN. This sounds like a Jerry Springer episode. Not Jerry Springer now, I'm talking about Jerry Springer back in the 90s when it was good and juicy. You in a hotel room butt-naked eating grapes surrounded by hoes and exotic animals n sh** having orgies. Oh, you's a freaky nigga. You been watching too much Purple Rain my dude.
        Plus, your wife just Brenda Ritchie'd your ass. You been runnin from them sistas all this time and all your hoes dimed you out. Where they do that at? You even had an affair with Marlon Wayans in his White Chicks make-up, huh?? Stay in your lane Cheetah Woods! You just wasn't built for all this. You almost made it, too. If you would've lived a nice white life for a few more years you woulda been in, and you thought you were passing, huh???You might as well go ahead and eat that watermelon and chicken you been eyeing for a while now. The jig is up.

                                                                                 Jai Lachelle

Look, I'm Sorry!

I apologize to all my readers for not posting more regularly. When you see me, please don't scold me, yell hilariously obscene things, or try to trip me. I'm going to get to it, so check tomorrow and this week for stories. Wish I Had Money Wednesday next week! Don't miss it.

P.S.  Dear Ma,
               Is that good for you? I'm sorry you have to see the same shit everyday too. (Sorry for saying the s word hehe).